Tuesday, August 7th, 2018.

Can you believe Tesla shares went on a wild ride Tuesday after CEO Elon Musk said on Twitter that he was hoping to privatize the company at $420 a share. By Tuesday afternoon, Musk made a more formal statement about privatizing Tesla in a company blog post, wow. Keep competitive information secret: As a privately held company, Tesla would not have to disclose information that could give competitors an edge! By contrast, Tesla now makes quarterly disclosures about their business total debt levels, personnel changes, executive compensation, how many cars are being produced and delivered, various lawsuits the company is facing and its views of risks and competitors. The benefits of being private are even more clear for Tesla considering their ambitious mission. They want to accelerate the globe's adoption of renewable energy. Despite a recent barrage of bad news, Tesla is definitely a company to be reckoned with. I tell you another thing, I would drive a Tesla (give my boss a call Elon and let me go on a test drive).

Written by, Andy ~ PAS-801