Monday, July 2nd, 2018.

On the last day of 2017, a record 68.5 million people were forcibly displaced from their homes. That's the most ever in 1 year. Imagine, the total population of Texas is only 28.3 million. That means over twice as many people were displaced from their homes last year then the entire population of Texas, plus. All of the people displaced (2/3) mostly come from 5 different countries. Syria is first on that list followed by Afghanistan,  South Sudan, Myanmar and Somalia. To solve this crisis there has to be a peace agreement made among these countries different factions. Most all of the countries listed are under Civil War or some sort of war distress. Right now, all hosting of these refugees is being done by developing countries. That means the refugees in general have better living conditions then they had in their home countries. But, over 90% of the refugees want to return to their home countries when the conflicts have been resolved.

Written by, Bernice ~ RAY-801