View the outside pages of our upcoming website by clicking here.



After Anyone Sends an Email: Our return Email gives them a Unique Username and Password.

 (1st time only login) “Buffer Page”

Business 1st Time Only Login View

Student 1st Time Only Login View

Subscriber 1st Time Only Login View


There are 2 Ways to Create an Account


1st Way.

1.) By Email (USER created, 3 choices)

Director of Accounts (CEO) Login View

Best Table Box Preview Page


2nd Way (phase 3).

2.) By CEO 50 Creator (CEO created, 9 choices)

10 Total Accounts, 9 Creatable


Phase 3 (CEO) Login View

Accounts Manager Login View

Editor Account Login View

Graphic Designer Account Login View

Single Copy Account Login View

Teacher Account Login View

T/Student Account Login View

Alumni Account Login View


Review First Login Templates

Business Direct Login View

Student Direct Login View

Subscriber Direct Login View



School Website Logos

Business Cards

Business Cards 2

Post Cards

Map Districts

Map Routes

Sample Newspaper


Old Graphics

Newest Graphics

Outside Page Names

Outside Search Bar Links

Outside Database (original version)

Outside Database (new version)


Inside Business Account Choices

Inside Student Account Choices

Inside Subscriber Account Choices

Inside Subscriber Billing Choices


Inside Vendor/Employee Account Choices

Inside Standing of Account Choices


Inside Database of Business Category Accounts

Inside Database of Student Category Accounts

Inside Database of Subscriber Category Accounts


Inside Database of All Newspaper Categories

Inside Database of T/Student Newspaper Categories

Inside Database of T/Student Avatars

Time Zones

Terms and Conditions



Starting Points:

1.) Create CEO Login (to paint maps?).

2.) Add All of the New Databases.

3.) Setup Accounts Created by Email?