Business Jingles (coming soon from students)

(student versions
coming soon) |
Student Singers/Guitar Players:
Listen and Learn our jingles then create your own cover videos
or anonymous song tracks and post them. More jingle ideas coming

(students earn money for performing
in the official video, have parents/guardians contact us by using the
text/email at the bottom of this page)

(coming soon from students)

(student versions
coming soon)
Student Singers/Guitar Players
and Other Musicians: Listen and Learn from 100's of songs and create
your own cover videos or anonymous song tracks and post them.

(students get recognition for
performing in the videos. have parents/guardians contact us by using
the text/email at the bottom of this page)

Band and Orchestra Music Videos (coming soon from students)

(student versions
coming soon)
Student Orchestra and Marching
Band Musicians: Listen and Learn from 6 songs and create your own
cover videos or anonymous song tracks and post them.

(students get recognition for
performing in the videos. have parents/guardians contact us by using
the text/email at the bottom of this page)

Student Artist and
Journalist (coming, March 14th, 2021)
Student Artist and News
Journalist: Draw picture of the news of the day and include the
words as a news article.
(students get paid when they post
content directly through the company. have parents/guardians contact
us by using the text/email at the bottom of this page)
Read some of
the news articles by clicking here.

Friday, August 10th, 2018.

This Sunday night, the
2018 Perseid Meteor Shower will be visible. Every year this
shower is often one of the most impressive spectacles of its
kind. The Perseid shower should be especially vivid this
year because the sky will be moonless and dark during the
peak of the shower. The sky show will intensify on Sunday
with an expected average of 90 shooting stars an hour. If
you're wondering how to spot the Perseid Meteor Shower?
Those living in the Northern Hemisphere, where the United
States is located, look towards the northeastern sky. Its
best to watch after 11pm or later when the constellation
Perseid will be higher in the sky. It may also take up to an
hour for your eyes to fully adjust to the darkness so start
watching early.
Know: You don't need to be looking directly at the
constellation Perseid to spot the meteors. I'm sure I'll be
up all night looking at all the action myself. If you join
me, we'll be simpatico.
Written by,
Andy ~ PAS-801 |

Friday, July 31st, 2018.

Mars is going to be the
biggest and brightest it's ever been tonight. All you have
to do is go outside and look up and you'll probably find it.
You can contact a planetarium or start your own star party.
Mars will appear brightest from July 27 to July 30 and the
closest approach is July 31st, 2018. That is the point date
in Mars' orbit when it comes closest to Earth. Mars will be
at a distance of 35.8 million miles (57.6 million
kilometers). Mars reaches its highest point around midnight
-- about 35 degrees above the southern horizon, or one third
of the distance between the horizon and overhead. Mars will
be visible for much of the night so don't miss it. By
mid-August, Mars will become fainter as Mars and Earth
travel farther away from each other. The next closest day
will be October 6th, 2020 if you miss this one.
Written by,
Bernice ~ RAY-801 |

Saturday, July 14th, 2018.

There’s a rapper (Rory Ferriera) who goes by
the undercover stage name, “Milo”. His home base is at a rap
facility in Maine. This guy surprises moviegoers with free
tickets sometimes. It's interesting for why he does this. He
wants to do something good for society. He bought all 129
seats at the 4:20pm showing at the Nickelodeon today. It was
reported that employees told patrons they could see a free
movie as they ordered the tickets. The rapper buys the whole
theater for that particular showing of the movie. The free
movie goers are surprised that he can do it for so many
people. It's good when Milo buys little kids free movie
tickets. Here at the Rayburn Post, we want to do something
good for society too. We give kids a little something extra
educational wise. The kids must try different ways to learn
things and reading a newspaper everyday is actually a great
idea. When I heard about it, I signed up a few days later.
It’s cool that Firreira sends out tweets for anyone to join
him at the movies on his dime. I wished I lived in Portland,
Maine. I'd be checking out his Twitter to see what time I'm
supposed arrive. I wonder if he gives free popcorn too.
Written by,
Bernice ~ RAY-801 |
