A&M Consolidated High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houamc |
Abbott High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxabo |
Abernathy High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubabe |
Abilene High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abiabi |
AC Jones High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxacj |
Academy High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxaca |
Adams High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalada |
Adamson High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | daladm |
Adrian High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amaadr |
Agua Dulce High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxagu |
Akins High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausatk |
Alamo Heights High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaala |
Alba-Golden High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netalg |
Albany High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abialb |
Aldine High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houald |
Aledo High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwale |
Alexander High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxale |
Alice High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxali |
Allen High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalall |
Alpine High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxalp |
Alto High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netalt |
Alvarado High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwavr |
Alvin High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houalv |
Alvord High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwalv |
Amarillo High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amaama |
Americas High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpame |
Amherst High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubamh |
Anahuac High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houana |
Anderson High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausand |
Anderson-Shiro High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houans |
Andress High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpand |
Andrews High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxand |
Angleton High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houang |
Anna High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalann |
Anson High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abians |
Anthony High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpant |
Anton High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubant |
Apple Springs High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houapp |
Aquilla High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxaqu |
Aransas Pass High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxarp |
Archer City High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfarc |
Argyle High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwarg |
Arlington Heights High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwarh |
Arlington High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwarl |
Arp High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netarp |
Aspermont High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abiasp |
Atascocita High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houata |
Athens High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netath |
Atlanta High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netatl |
Aubrey High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwaub |
Austin Fort Bend High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houafb |
Austin High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausaus |
Austin High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpaus |
Austin High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houast |
Austwell-Tivoli High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houaut |
Avalon High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalava |
Avery High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netave |
Avinger High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netavi |
Axtell High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxaxt |
Azle High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwazl |
Baird High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abibai |
Ball High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hougbl |
Ballinger High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngbal |
Balmorhea High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxbal |
Bandera High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaban |
Bangs High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngban |
Banquete High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxbnq |
Barbers Hill High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbrb |
Bartlett High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxbar |
Bastrop High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausbas |
Bay City High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbcy |
Baytown Lee High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbay |
Baytown Sterling High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbys |
Beckville High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netbkv |
Bel Air High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpbel |
Bell High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwbll |
Bellaire High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houblr |
Bellevue High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfbel |
Bells High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalbel |
Bellville High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbel |
Belton High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxbel |
Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxbpb |
Ben Harmon High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwben |
Benavides High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxbnv |
Benjamin High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfben |
Berkner High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalber |
Big Bend High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxbbd |
Big Sandy High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbsy |
Big Sandy High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netbig |
Big Spring High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxbig |
Birdville High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwbir |
Bishop High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxbis |
Blackwell High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abiblw |
Blanco High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausbla |
Bland High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalbla |
Blanket High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngbla |
Bloomburg High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netblb |
Blooming Grove High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxblg |
Bloomington High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houblm |
Blue Ridge High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalblu |
Blum High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxblu |
Boles High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalbol |
Boling High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbol |
Bonham High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalbon |
Booker High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amaboo |
Borden County High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubbor |
Borger High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amabor |
Bosqueville High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxbos |
Boswell High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwbos |
Bovina High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amabov |
Bowie High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausbow |
Bowie High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpbow |
Bowie High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwbow |
Bowie High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netbow |
Bowie High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfbow |
Boyd High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwboy |
Brackenridge High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanabra |
Brackettville High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanabkv |
Brady High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngbra |
Brandeis High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanabds |
Braswell High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwbra |
Brazos High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbrz |
Brazosport High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbzp |
Brazoswood High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbzw |
Breckenridge High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abibre |
Bremond High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbrm |
Brenham High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbre |
Brennan High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanabre |
Brewer High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwbre |
Bridge City High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbrc |
Bridgelands High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbrl |
Bridgeport High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwbri |
Broaddus High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netbdd |
Brock High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwbro |
Bronte High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngbro |
Brookesmith High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngbrk |
Brookland High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netbrl |
Brownfield High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubbro |
Brownsboro High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netbbr |
Brownwood High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngbrw |
Bruceville-Eddy High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxbru |
Bruni High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxbru |
Bryan High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbry |
Bryson High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfbry |
Buckholts High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbuc |
Buena Vista High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxbvt |
Buffalo High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbfl |
Bullard High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netbld |
Buna High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbun |
Burbank High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanabrb |
Burges High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpbur |
Burkburnett High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfbur |
Burkesville High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbrk |
Burleson Centennial High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwbrc |
Burleson High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwbur |
Burnet High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausbur |
Burton High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houbrt |
Bushland High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amabus |
Bynum High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxbyn |
Byron Nelson High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwbyr |
Caddo Mills High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcad |
Calallen High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxcal |
Caldwell High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcld |
Calhoun High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcal |
Callisburg High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwcal |
Calvert High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcvt |
Cameron Yoe High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcyo |
Campbell High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcam |
Canadian High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amacan |
Caney Creek High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houccr |
Canton High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcan |
Canutillo High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpcan |
Canyon High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amacny |
Canyon High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auscan |
Canyon Lake High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auscnl |
Caprock High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amacap |
Carazo Springs High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaczo |
Carlisle High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcrl |
Carrigan-Camden High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houccm |
Carroll High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwcar |
Carroll High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxcar |
Carter High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcar |
Carter-Riverside High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwcrs |
Carthage High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcth |
Castleberry High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwcas |
Cayuga High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcyg |
CE King High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcek |
Cedar Hill High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalced |
Cedar Park High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auscpk |
Cedar Ridge High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auscrg |
Celeste High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcls |
Celina High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcel |
Centennial High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcen |
Center High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netctr |
Center Point High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanactp |
Centerville High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcnv |
Central Heights High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcht |
Central High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwcen |
Central High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcen |
Central High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netctl |
Central High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngcen |
Channelview High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houchv |
Channing High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amacha |
Chapel Hill High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netchh |
Chapin High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpcha |
Charlotte High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanacha |
Chavez High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houchz |
Cherokee High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngche |
Chico High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwchc |
Childress High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amachi |
Chillicothe High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfchi |
Chilton High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxchi |
China Spring High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxchs |
Chireno High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcrn |
Chisholm Trail High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwchi |
Chisum High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netchi |
Christoval High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngchr |
Churchill High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanachh |
Cigarroa High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxcgr |
Cinco Ranch High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcco |
Cisco High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abicis |
City View High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfcyv |
Clarck High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanacla |
Clarendon High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amaclr |
Clarksville High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcla |
Claude High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amacld |
Clear Brook High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houclb |
Clear Creek High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houclc |
Clear Falls High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houclf |
Clear Lake High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcll |
Clear Springs High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcls |
Cleburne High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwcle |
Clements High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houclm |
Cleveland High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houclv |
Clifton High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxcli |
Clint High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpcli |
Clyde High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abicly |
Coahoma High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxcoa |
Coldspring High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcsr |
Cole High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanacol |
Coleman High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngcol |
College Park High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houclp |
College Station High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcst |
Collegiate High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalclg |
Colleyville Heritage High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwclh |
Collinsville High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcol |
Colmesneil High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcol |
Colorado City High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abiclc |
Columbia High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcoa |
Columbus High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcbs |
Comanche High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abicom |
Comfort High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auscom |
Commerce High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcmr |
Community High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcom |
Como-Pickton High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcpt |
Comstock High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngcom |
Connally High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auscon |
Connally High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxcon |
Conrad High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcnr |
Conroe High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcnr |
Coolidge High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxcoo |
Cooper High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abicoo |
Cooper High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcoo |
Coppell High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcop |
Copperas Cove High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxccv |
Coronado High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpcor |
Coronado High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubcor |
Corpus Christi High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxcch |
Corsicana High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxcsc |
Cotton Center High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubcot |
Cotulla High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanacot |
Covington High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxcov |
Crandall High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcra |
Crane High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxcra |
Cranfills Gap High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxcgp |
Crawford High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxcra |
Creekview High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalcre |
Crocket High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcro |
Crockett High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auscro |
Crosby High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcsb |
Crosbyton High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubcro |
Cross Plains High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abicrp |
Cross Roads High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcrr |
Crowell High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfcro |
Crowley High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwcro |
Crystal City High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanacry |
Cuero High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcue |
Cumberland High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcbl |
Cumby High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcmb |
Cushing High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netcsh |
Cy-Fair High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcfr |
Cypress Creek High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcyc |
Cypress Falls High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcfl |
Cypress Lakes High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcyl |
Cypress Park High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcyp |
Cypress Ranch High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcyr |
Cypress Ridge High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcrd |
Cypress Springs High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcys |
Cypress Woods High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houcyw |
D’Hanis High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanadha |
Daingerfield High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netdai |
Dalhart High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amadal |
Danbury High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houdbr |
Darrouzett High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amadrz |
Davis High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houdav |
Dawson High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxdaw |
Dawson High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houdaw |
Dawson High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubdaw |
Dayton High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houdyt |
De Kalb High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netdek |
De Leon High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abidel |
Decatur High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwdec |
Deer Park High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houdpk |
Dekaney High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houdek |
Del Rio High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngdel |
Del Valle High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausdel |
Del Valle High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpdel |
Dell City High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpdlc |
Denison High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalden |
Denton High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwden |
Denver City High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubden |
DeSoto High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | daldes |
Detroit High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netdet |
Deweyville High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houdew |
Diamond Hill-Jarvis High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwdhj |
Diboll High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netdbl |
Dickinson High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houdks |
Dilley High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanadil |
Dimmitt High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amadim |
Dobie High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houdob |
Dodd City High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | daldod |
Donna High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxdon |
Donna North High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxdnn |
Douglass High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netdgl |
Dripping Springs High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausdri |
Dublin High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwdub |
Dulles High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houdll |
Dumas High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amadum |
Dunbar High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwdun |
Duncanville High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | daldun |
Eagle Pass High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaeag |
Early High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngear |
East Bernard High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houebr |
East Central High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaecr |
East Chambers High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houech |
East View High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausevw |
Eastern Hills High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwehl |
Eastlake High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpelk |
Eastland High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abiesl |
Eastside Memorial High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausesm |
Eastwood High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpewd |
Eaton High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftweat |
Economedes High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxeco |
Ector High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalect |
Edcouch-Elsa High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxedc |
Eden High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngede |
Edgewood High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netedg |
Edinburg High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxedi |
Edinburg North High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxedn |
Edison High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaedi |
Edna High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houedn |
Eisenhower High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houeis |
El Campo High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houelc |
El Dorado High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpeld |
El Paso High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpelp |
Eldorado High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngeld |
Electra High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfele |
Elgin High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auselg |
Elkhart High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netelk |
Elkins High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houelk |
Ellison High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxell |
Elsik High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houels |
Elysiam Fields High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netely |
Ennis High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalenn |
Era High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwera |
Estacado High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubest |
Eula High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abieul |
Eustace High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | neteus |
Evant High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxeva |
Everman High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftweve |
Fabens High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpfab |
Fairfield High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxfai |
Falfurrias High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxfal |
Fannindel High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netfni |
Farmersville High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalfar |
Farwell High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amafar |
Ferris High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalfer |
Flatonia High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausfla |
Florence High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausflo |
Floresville High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaflo |
Flour Bluff High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxflb |
Flower Mound High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwflo |
Floydada High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubflo |
Follett High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amafol |
Ford High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwhf |
Forestburg High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcffor |
Forney High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalfor |
Forsan High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxfor |
Fort Davis High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxftd |
Fort Elliot High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amafte |
Fort Hancock High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpfth |
Fort Stockton High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxfst |
Fossil Ridge High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwfos |
Foster High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houfos |
Franklin High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpfra |
Franklin High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houfra |
Frankston High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netfst |
Fredericksburg High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausfre |
Freer High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxfre |
Friendship High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubfri |
Friendswood High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houfwd |
Friona High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amafri |
Frisco High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalfri |
Frost High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxfro |
Fruitvale High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netfru |
Fulshear High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houful |
Furr High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houfur |
Gainesville High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwgai |
Galena Park High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hougpk |
Ganado High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hougan |
Garland High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalgar |
Garrison High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netgrs |
Gary High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netgary |
Gatesville High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxgat |
George Bush High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hougbu |
George Ranch High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hougrr |
George West High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxggw |
Georgetown High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausgeo |
Gholson High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxgho |
Giddings High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausgid |
Gilmer High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netgmr |
Gladewater High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netgwt |
Glasscock High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxgla |
Glen Rose High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwgle |
Global High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalglo |
Godley High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwgod |
Gold Burg High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfgld |
Goldthwaite High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxgol |
Gonzales High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausgon |
Goodrich High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hougoo |
Goose Creek High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hougcr |
Gordon High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwgor |
Gorman High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abigrm |
Grady High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxgra |
Graford High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwgrf |
Graham High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfgra |
Granbury High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwgrb |
Grand Prairie High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalgrp |
Grand Salinas High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netgra |
Grandfalls-Royalty High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxgfr |
Grandview High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwgrv |
Granger High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausgra |
Grape Creek High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | snggcr |
Grapeland High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hougra |
Grapevine High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwgrp |
Greenville High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalgre |
Greenwood High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxgrw |
Gregory-Portland High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxgrp |
Groesbeck High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxgro |
Groom High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amagro |
Grulla High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxgru |
Gruver High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amagru |
Gunter High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalgun |
Gustine High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abigus |
Guthrie High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubgut |
Guyer High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwguy |
Hale Center High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubhal |
Hallettsville High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhal |
Hallsburg High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxhal |
Hallsville High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nethlv |
Haltom High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwhal |
Hamilton High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxham |
Hamlin High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abiham |
Hamshire-Fanett High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhft |
Hanks High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elphan |
Hanna High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxhan |
Happy High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amahap |
Hardin High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhrd |
Hardin-Jefferson High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhrj |
Hargrave High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhrg |
Harker Heights High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxhht |
Harlandale High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanahar |
Harleton High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nethar |
Harlingen High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxhar |
Harlingen South High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxhrs |
Harmony High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nethar |
Harper High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | aushar |
Hart High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amahrt |
Hartley High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amahly |
Haskell High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abihas |
Hastings High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhas |
Hawkins High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nethaw |
Hawley High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abihaw |
Hays High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | aushay |
Hearne High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhea |
Hebbronville High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxheb |
Hebron High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwheb |
Hedley High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amahed |
Heights High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhei |
Hemphill High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nethhl |
Hempstead High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhem |
Henderson High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nethdr |
Hendrixson High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | aushen |
Henrrietta High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfhen |
Hereford High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amaher |
Heritage High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalhtg |
Hico High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxhic |
Hidalgo High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxhid |
Higgins High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amahig |
High Island High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhsl |
Highland High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abihld |
Highland Park High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amahlp |
Highland Park High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalhig |
Highlands High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanahig |
Hightower High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhtw |
Hillcrest High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalhcr |
Hillsboro High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxhil |
Hirschi High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfhir |
Hitchcock High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhit |
HM King High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxhmk |
Holland High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxhol |
Holliday High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfhol |
Holms High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanahol |
Hondo High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanahon |
Honey Grove High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalhon |
Hooks High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nethoo |
Horizon High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elphor |
Horn High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalhor |
Houston High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanahou |
Howe High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalhow |
Hubbard High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxhub |
Huckabay High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwhuc |
Hudson High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nethdn |
Hughes Springs High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nethug |
Hull-Daisetta High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhld |
Humble High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhum |
Huntington High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nethtn |
Huntsville High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houhtv |
Hutto High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | aushut |
Idalou High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubida |
Independence High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalind |
Industrial High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houind |
Ingleside High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxing |
Ingram High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaing |
Iola High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houiol |
Iowa Park High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfiow |
Ira High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abiira |
Iraan High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxira |
Iredell High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxire |
Irion High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngiri |
Irvin High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpirv |
Irving High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalirv |
Italy High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalita |
Itasca High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxita |
Jacksboro High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfjac |
Jacksonville High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netjkn |
Jarrell High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausjar |
Jasper High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houjas |
Jay High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanajay |
Jayton High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubjay |
Jefferson High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | daljef |
Jefferson High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpjef |
Jefferson High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netjef |
Jefferson High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanajef |
Jersey Village High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houjrv |
Jim Ned High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abijim |
Joaquin High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netjoa |
John Tyler High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netjty |
Johnson City High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausjoh |
Johnson High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanajoh |
Johnson High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxjns |
Jonesboro High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxjbr |
Joshua High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwjos |
Jourdanton High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanajou |
Juarez-Lincoln High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxjrz |
Judson High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanajud |
Junction High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngjun |
Karens High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxkar |
Kashmere High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houkas |
Katy High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houkat |
Kaufman High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalkau |
Keene High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwkee |
Keller High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwkel |
Kelton High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amakel |
Kemp High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalkem |
Kempner High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houkem |
Kennard High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houken |
Kennedale High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwken |
Kennedy High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaken |
Kermit High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxker |
Kerr High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houker |
Kilgore High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netklg |
Killeen High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxkln |
Kimball High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalkim |
King High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxkng |
Kingwood High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houkwd |
Kingwood Park High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houkwp |
Kirbyville High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houkir |
Klein Collins High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houklc |
Klein Forest High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houklf |
Klein High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houkle |
Klein Oak High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houklo |
Klondike High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubklo |
Knippa High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanakni |
Knox City High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfkno |
Kopperl High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxkop |
Kountze High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houkou |
Kress High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amakre |
Krum High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwkru |
La Feria High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxlaf |
La Grange High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auslgr |
La Joya High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxlaj |
La Joya Palmview High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxljp |
La Marque High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houlmq |
La Porte High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houlap |
La Pryor High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanalap |
La Vega High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxlav |
La Vernia High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanalav |
La Villa High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxlav |
Lago Vista High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auslag |
Lake Dallas High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwldl |
Lake Highlands High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dallak |
Lake Travis High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausltr |
Lake View High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | snglkv |
Lake Worth High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwlak |
Lakeview Centennial High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dallvc |
Lamar Consolidated High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houlmc |
Lamar High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwlam |
Lamar High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houlam |
Lamesa High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lublam |
Lampasas High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxlam |
Lancaster High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dallan |
Laneville High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netlvl |
Langham Creek High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houlcr |
Lanier High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auslan |
Lanier High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanalan |
Lapoynor High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netlpy |
Lasara High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxlas |
Lazbuddie High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amalaz |
LBJ High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auslbj |
Leakey High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanalea |
Leander High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auslea |
Lebanon Trail High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalleb |
Lee High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanalee |
Lee High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxlee |
Lefors High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amalef |
Leggett High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houleg |
Lehman High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausleh |
Leon High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houleo |
Leonard High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalleo |
Levelland High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lublev |
Leverett’s Chapel High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netlch |
Lewisville High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwlew |
Liberty High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dallib |
Liberty High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houlib |
Liberty Hill High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auslhl |
Life High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dallif |
Lincoln High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dallin |
Lindale High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netlin |
Linden-Kildare High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netlnk |
Lindsay High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwlnd |
Lingleville High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwlng |
Lipan High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwlip |
Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houlcm |
Little Elm High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwlit |
Littlefield High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lublit |
Livingston High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houliv |
Llano High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auslla |
Lockhart High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausloc |
Lockney High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubloc |
Lohn High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngloh |
Lometa High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxlom |
London High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxlon |
Lone Oak High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dallon |
Lone Star High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dallst |
Longview High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netlvw |
Loop High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubloo |
Lopez High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxlop |
Loraine High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abilor |
Lorena High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxlor |
Lorenzo High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lublor |
Los Fresnos High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxlfr |
Los Fresnos United High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxlfu |
Louise High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hoului |
Lovejoy High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dallov |
Lovelady High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houlov |
Lubbock High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lublub |
Lubbock-Cooper High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lublcp |
Lueders-Avaco High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abilav |
Lufkin High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netluf |
Luling High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auslul |
Lumberton High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houlum |
Lyford High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxlyf |
Lytle High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanalyt |
Mabank High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmab |
MacArthur High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmac |
MacArthur High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmac |
MacArthur High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanamac |
Madison High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmad |
Madison High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmds |
Madison High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanamad |
Magnolia High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmag |
Magnolia West High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmgw |
Malakoff High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netmlf |
Manor High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausman |
Mansfield High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwman |
Mansfield Lake Ridge High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwmlr |
Mansfield Legacy High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwmlg |
Mansfield Timberview High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwmtv |
Manvel High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmnv |
Marathon High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxmar |
Marble Falls High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausmrb |
Marcus High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwmrc |
Marfa High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxmrf |
Marion High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausmar |
Marlin High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxmar |
Marshall High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmsh |
Marshall High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netmsl |
Marshall High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanamar |
Mart High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxmrt |
Martin High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwmrt |
Martin High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxmar |
Martins Mill High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netmml |
Martinsville High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netmvl |
Mason High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngmas |
Mathis High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxmth |
Maud High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netmau |
May High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngmay |
Mayde Creek High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmay |
Maypearl High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmay |
McAllen High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxmca |
McCallum High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausmcc |
McCamey High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxmcc |
McCollum High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanamcc |
McDade High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausmcd |
McGregor High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxmcg |
McKinney Boyd High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmcb |
McKinney High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmck |
McKinney North High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmcn |
McKlean High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amamcl |
McLeod High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netmcl |
McMullen High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxmcm |
McNeil High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausmcn |
Meadow High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubmea |
Medina High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanamed |
Medina Valley High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanamdv |
Melissa High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmel |
Memorial High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hoummr |
Memorial High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanamem |
Memorial High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxmem |
Memphis High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amamem |
Menard High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngmen |
Mercedes High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxmer |
Meridian High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxmer |
Merkel High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abimer |
Mesquite High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmes |
Mexia High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxmex |
Miami High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amamia |
Midland High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxmid |
Midlothian Heritage High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmdh |
Midlothian High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmid |
Midway High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxmid |
Midway High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfmid |
Milano High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmla |
Milby High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmlb |
Mildred High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxmil |
Miles High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngmil |
Milford High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmil |
Miller Grove High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netmgr |
Millsap High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwmil |
Mineola High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netmin |
Mineral Wells High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwmin |
Mission High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxmis |
Molina High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalmol |
Monahans High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxmon |
Monte Alto High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxmon |
Monterey High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubmon |
Montgomery High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmtg |
Montwood High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpmon |
Moody High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxmoo |
Moody High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxmoo |
Moran High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abimor |
Morgan High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxmor |
Morton High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubmor |
Morton Ranch High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmrt |
Motley County High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubmot |
Moulton High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmou |
Mount Calm High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxmou |
Mountain View High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpmvw |
Mt Enterprise High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netmte |
Mt Pleasant High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netmtp |
Mt Vernon High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netmtv |
Muenster High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwmue |
Muleshoe High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubmul |
Mullin High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxmul |
Mumford High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houmum |
Munday High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfmun |
Naaman Forest High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalnaa |
Nacagdoches High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netncg |
Natalia High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sananat |
Navarro High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausnav |
Navasota High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hounav |
Nazareth High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amanaz |
Neches High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netnec |
Nederland High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houned |
Needville High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hounee |
New Boston High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netnbo |
New Braunfels High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausnwb |
New Caney High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hounwc |
New Chapel Hill High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netnch |
New Deal High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubnwd |
New Diana High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netndi |
New Home High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubnwh |
New Summerfield High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netnsf |
New Waverly High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hounwv |
Newcastle High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfnwc |
Newton High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hounwt |
Nimitz High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalnim |
Nimitz High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hounim |
Nixon High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxnix |
Nixon-Smiley High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausnxs |
Nocona High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfnoc |
Normangee High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hounor |
North Dallas High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalndl |
North Forest High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hounfo |
North Forney High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalnfr |
North Garland High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalngr |
North Hopkins High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netnhp |
North Lamar High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netnla |
North Mesquite High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalnmq |
North Shore High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hounsh |
North Side High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwnsd |
Northbrook High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hounbr |
Northside High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hounsd |
Northwest High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwnwt |
Nueces Canyon High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngncy |
O’Connor High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaoco |
O’Donnell High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubodo |
Oak Ridge High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houokr |
Oakwood High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houokw |
Odem High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxodm |
Odessa High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxode |
Oglesby High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxogl |
Olney High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfoln |
Olton High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubolt |
Onalaska High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houona |
Orange Grove High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxorg |
Orangefield High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houorf |
Ore City High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netore |
Overton High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netovr |
Ozen High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houoze |
Ozona High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngozo |
Pace High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxpac |
Paducah High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubpad |
Paetow High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houpae |
Paint Creek High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abipcr |
Paint Rock High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngprk |
Palacios High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houpal |
Palestine High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netpst |
Palmer High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalpal |
Palo Duro High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amapal |
Pampa High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amapam |
Panhandle High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amapam |
Panther Creek High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngpcr |
Paradise High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwpar |
Paris High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netpar |
Parkland High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elppar |
Pasadena High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houpas |
Pasadena Memorial High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houpsm |
Paschas High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwpas |
Patton Springs High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubpat |
Pearce High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalpea |
Pearland High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houpld |
Pearsall High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanapea |
Peaster High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwpsr |
Pebble Hills High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elppeb |
Pecos High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxpec |
Penelope High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxpen |
Permian High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxper |
Perrin High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfper |
Perryton High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amaper |
Petersburg High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubpet |
Petrolia High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfpet |
Pettus High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxpet |
Pewitt High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netpew |
Pflugerville High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auspfl |
Pilot Point High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwpil |
Pine Tree High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netpnt |
Pinkston High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalpin |
Pittsburg High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netptb |
Plains High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubpla |
Plainview High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubplv |
Plana East High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalple |
Plano High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalpla |
Plano West High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalplw |
Pleasant Grove High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netple |
Pleasanton High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaple |
Polytechnic High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwpol |
Ponder High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwpon |
Poolville High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwpoo |
Port Aransas High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxprt |
Port Arthur Memorial High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houptm |
Port Isabel High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxpri |
Port Neches Groves High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houpng |
Porter High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houpor |
Porter High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxpor |
Post High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubpos |
Poteet High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalptt |
Poteet High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaptt |
Poth High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanapth |
Pottsboro High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalpot |
Prairie Lea High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausprl |
Prairie Valley High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfprv |
Prairiland High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netpra |
Premont High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxpre |
Presidio High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxpre |
Priddy High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxpri |
Princeton High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalpri |
Progreso High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxpro |
Prosper High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalpro |
PSJA High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxpsj |
PSJA Memorial High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxpsm |
PSJA North High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxnor |
PSJA Southwest High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxsou |
Quanah High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfqua |
Queen City High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netque |
Quitman High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netqui |
Rains High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netrai |
Ralls High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubral |
Ranchview High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalran |
Randall High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amaran |
Randolph High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaran |
Ranger High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abirng |
Rankin High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxran |
Ray High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxray |
Rayburn High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houray |
Raymondville High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxrmv |
Reagan County High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxrcy |
Reagan High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausrea |
Reagan High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanarea |
Red Oak High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalred |
Redwater High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netred |
Refugio High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houref |
Rice High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxric |
Rice High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houric |
Richards High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hourds |
Richardson High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalric |
Richland High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwric |
Richland Springs High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngrsp |
Rider High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfrid |
Ridge Point High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hourpt |
Riesel High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxrie |
Rio Grande City High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxrgc |
Rio Hondo High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxrio |
Rio Vista High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwrio |
Rising Star High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abirst |
River Road High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amarvr |
Rivera High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxrva |
Rivercrest High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netriv |
Riverside High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpriv |
Riviera-Kaufer High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxrvk |
Robert Lee High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngrbl |
Robinson High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxrob |
Robstown High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxrob |
Roby High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abirob |
Rochelle High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngroc |
Rockdale High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hourkd |
Rockport-Fulton High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxrpf |
Rocksprings High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngrck |
Rockwall High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalroc |
Rockwall-Heath High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalrwh |
Rogers High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxrog |
Roma High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxrom |
Roosevelt High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalroo |
Roosevelt High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubroo |
Roosevelt High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaroo |
Ropes High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubrop |
Roscoe Collegiate High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abirsc |
Rosebud-Lott High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxrsb |
Rotan High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abirot |
Round Rock High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausrrk |
Round Top High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausrtp |
Rouse High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausrou |
Rowe High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxrow |
Rowlett High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalrow |
Roxton High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netrox |
Royal High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houroy |
Royse City High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalroy |
Rudder High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hourud |
Rule High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abirul |
Rusk High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netruk |
Ryan High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwrya |
S&S Cons High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsas |
Sabinal High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanasab |
Sabine High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netsbn |
Sabine Pass High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housab |
Sachse High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsac |
Saginaw High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwsag |
Saint Jo High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfstj |
Salado High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxsal |
Sam Houston High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwsam |
Sam Houston High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housam |
Sam Rayburn High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsam |
Samuel Clemens High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausscl |
Samuell High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsml |
San Augustine High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netsna |
San Benito High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxsan |
San Diego High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxsnd |
San Elizario High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpslz |
San Isidro High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxsni |
San Marcos High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | aussan |
San Perlita High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxspl |
San Saba High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngssb |
Sanderson High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxsan |
Sands High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubsan |
Sanford-Fritch High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amasfr |
Sanger High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwsan |
Santa Anna High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngsnt |
Santa Fe High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housnf |
Santa Rosa High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxsnr |
Savoy High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsav |
Scarborough High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housca |
Schulenburg High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | aussch |
Scurry-Rosser High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalscu |
Seagoville High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsea |
Seagraves High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubsea |
Sealy High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | hously |
Seguin High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausseg |
Seguin High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwseg |
Seminole High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubsem |
Seven Lakes High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housev |
Seymour High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfsey |
Shallowater High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubsha |
Shamrock High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amasha |
Sharpstown High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housha |
Sharyland High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxsha |
Sharyland Pioneer High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxshp |
Shelbyville High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netshl |
Sherman High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalshe |
Shiner High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houshi |
Shoemaker High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxsho |
Sidney High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abisid |
Sierra Blanca High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpsie |
Silsbee High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housls |
Silverton High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amasil |
Sinton High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxsnt |
Skidmore-Tynan High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxskt |
Skyline High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsky |
Slaton High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubsla |
Slidell High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwsli |
Slocum High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netlca |
Smith High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsmi |
Smithson Valley High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | aussmv |
Smithville High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | aussmi |
Smyer High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubsmy |
Snook High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housno |
Snyder High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abisny |
Socorro High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpsoc |
Somerset High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanasom |
Somerville High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housom |
Sonora High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngson |
South Garland High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsgr |
South Grand Prairie High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsgp |
South Hills High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwshl |
South Houston High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housho |
South Oak Cliff High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsoc |
South San Antonio High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanassa |
Southland High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubsou |
Southside High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanassd |
Southwest High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwswt |
Southwest High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaswt |
Spearman High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amaspe |
Splendora High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houspa |
Spring High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houspr |
Spring Hill High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netsph |
Spring Woods High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houspw |
Springlake-Earth High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubspe |
Springtown High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwspr |
Spruce High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalspr |
Spur High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubspu |
Spurger High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houspu |
Stacey High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanavas |
Stafford High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housta |
Stamford High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abistm |
Stanton High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxsta |
Steele High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausste |
Stephenville High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwste |
Sterling City High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngstc |
Sterling High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houstr |
Stevens High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanaste |
Stockdale High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanasto |
Stony Point High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausstp |
Stratford High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houstf |
Strattford High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amastr |
Strawn High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwstr |
Sudan High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubsud |
Sulpher Bluff High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netsbl |
Sulphur Springs High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netsul |
Summer Creek High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | housum |
Summit High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwsum |
Sundown High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubsun |
Sunnyvale High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsny |
Sunray High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amasun |
Sunset High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalsun |
Sweeny High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houswe |
Sweetwater High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abiswt |
Taft High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanataf |
Taft High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxtft |
Tahoka High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubtah |
Tarkington High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houtar |
Tascosa High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amatas |
Tatum High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nettat |
Taylor FB High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houtlr |
Taylor High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | austay |
Taylor High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houtay |
Teague High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxtea |
Temple High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxtem |
Tenaha High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nettnh |
Terrell High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalter |
Terry High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houter |
Texas City High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houtxc |
Texas HS High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nettex |
Texline High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amatex |
The Colony High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwtcl |
The Woodlands High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houtwd |
Thorndale High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | austho |
Thrall High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | austhr |
Three Rivers High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxthr |
Throckmorton High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfthr |
Tidehaven High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houtid |
Timber Creek High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwtim |
Timpson High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nettmp |
Tioga High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | daltio |
Tivy High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanativ |
Tolar High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwtol |
Tom Bean High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | daltom |
Tomball High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houtom |
Tomball Memorial High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houtmm |
Tompkins High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houtmk |
Tornillo High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elptor |
Travis Fort Bend High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houtfb |
Travis High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | austra |
Trent High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abitrn |
Trenton High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | daltre |
Trinidad High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nettdd |
Trinity High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwtri |
Trinity High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houtry |
Troup High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nettup |
Troy High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxtro |
Tulia High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amatul |
Tuloso-Midway High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxtmw |
Turner High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | daltur |
Tyler Lee High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | nettyl |
Union Grove High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netugr |
Union Hill High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netuni |
United High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxuni |
United South High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxuns |
University High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxuni |
Utopia High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanauto |
Uvalde High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanauva |
Valentine High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxval |
Valley High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amaval |
Valley Mills High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxvml |
Valley View High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwval |
Valley View High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxvvw |
Van Alstyne High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalvan |
Van High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netvan |
Van Horn High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxvan |
Van Vleck High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houvvl |
Vandegrift High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausvan |
Vega High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amaveg |
Vela High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxvel |
Venus High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwven |
Veribest High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngver |
Vernon High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfver |
Veterans Memorial High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxvet |
Veterans Memorial High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxvtm |
Veterans Memorial High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxvmm |
Victoria East High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houvte |
Victoria West High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houvtw |
Vidor High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houvid |
Vista Ridge High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | ausvrg |
Waco High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxwac |
Waelder High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auswae |
Wagner High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanawag |
Wakeland High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwak |
Wall High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngwal |
Waller High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwal |
Walnut Springs High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxwsp |
Waltrip High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwtp |
Warren High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwar |
Warren High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanawar |
Washington High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwas |
Waskom High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netwkm |
Water Valley High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngwtv |
Waxahachie High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwax |
Weatherford High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwwea |
Weimer High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwei |
Wellington High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amawel |
Wellman-Union High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubwel |
Wells High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netwll |
Weslaco East High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxwse |
Weslaco High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxwes |
West Hardin High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwhd |
West High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxwes |
West Mesquite High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwmq |
West Orange Stark High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwos |
West Oso High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxwos |
West Rusk High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netwrk |
West Sabine High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netwsb |
West Texas High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amawtx |
Westbrook High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abiwbr |
Westbrook High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwbr |
Westbury High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwbu |
Western Hills High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwwhl |
Westfield High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwes |
Westlake High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auswlk |
Westside High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwsd |
Westwood High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auswes |
Westwood High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netwwd |
Wharton High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwha |
Wheatley High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwhe |
Wheeler High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amawhe |
White Deer High School Area, TX (Amarillo Texas Area) | amawtd |
White High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwhi |
White Oak High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netwok |
Whiteface High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubwhf |
Whitehouse High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netwth |
Whitesboro High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwbo |
Whitewright High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwtw |
Whitharral High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubwhi |
Whitney High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxwhi |
Wichita Falls High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfwcf |
Willis High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwls |
Willowridge High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwrd |
Wills Point High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwil |
Wilmer-Hutchins High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwht |
Wilson High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwls |
Wilson High School Area, TX (Lubbock Texas Area) | lubwil |
Wimberley High School Area, TX (Austin Texas Area) | auswim |
Windthorst High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfwth |
Wink High School Area, TX (West Texas Area) | wtxwin |
Winn High School Area, TX (San Antonio Texas Area) | sanawin |
Winnsboro High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netwin |
Winona High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netwno |
Winters High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngwin |
Wisdom High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwis |
Woden High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netwdn |
Wolfe City High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwol |
Woodsboro High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwdb |
Woodson High School Area, TX (Wichita Falls Texas Area) | wcfwoo |
Woodville High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwoo |
Wortham High School Area, TX (Central Texas Area) | ctxwor |
Worthing High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houwor |
Wyatt High School Area, TX (Fort Worth Texas Area) | ftwwya |
Wylie East High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwye |
Wylie High School Area, TX (Abilene Texas Area) | abiwyl |
Wylie High School Area, TX (Dallas Texas Area) | dalwyl |
Yantis High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netyan |
Yates High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houyat |
Yoakum High School Area, TX (Houston Texas Area) | houyoa |
Ysletta High School Area, TX (El Paso Texas Area) | elpysl |
Zapata High School Area, TX (South Texas Area) | stxzap |
Zavalla High School Area, TX (Northeast Texas Area) | netzav |
Zephyr High School Area, TX (San Angelo Texas Area) | sngzep |
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