Hola, my name is Armando. I am an Armadillo. The word armadillo when translated into Spanish means, “Little Armored One”. I live for about 12 to 15 years and my shell sometimes is used to make “Charangos”. A Charango is a stringed instrument similar to an Acoustic Guitar. I might be small to medium in size but I am pretty fast in or out of the water. I come from Central America but I am also found in the Central United States as far north as Nebraska. 

Armando ~ PSM-801

Read articles from Armando below,

August 22nd, 2018/Business/Technology
August 17th, 2018/News/National
August 14th, PM, 2018/Politics/National
August 14th, AM, 2018/News/World
August 3rd, 2018/News/World
July  29th, 2018/News/National
July 28th, PM, 2018/News/National
July 28th, AM, 2018/News/National
July 27th, 2018/News/National
July 25th, 2018/Politics/National