

September 18th, 2018.

My name is Juniper. I am a seventeen year old high school senior and
my gender is female. My profile is on the following page but I have
NOT included a picture of myself. The decision to remain anonymous
was made because I am interested in writing about politics. I am
sure in the future I will make mistakes voicing my opinion and in
this arena, there is very little room for error. Therefore, I am
letting everyone know right now, I can only do the best I can.
Please be patient.
Today, I would like to start out by saying that I wish
more people would listen to the other side in politics. That is
aimed at all sides, the Democrats, the Republicans, the Media and
even the regular folks. To me, debating the issues is how you come
up with the best solutions. Finding common ground has always been
essential to passing legislation. I’m not currently associated with any political
party. I planned on figuring out my opinions on these matters after
I graduated from college. But, since I have been offered an
opportunity to voice my thoughts unabated on these matters today, my
time line has changed. I am ready to tell you what I think and how I
First of all, I am not for or against Donald Trump but
I do think he is an unusual President. I remember Barack Obama
barely. I also have little recollection of his political stances but
I know some from history. The reason President Trump in my opinion
is so unique, is because he doesn’t act like a President. I am
comparing him to the other 44 Americans who have earned their way
through the office. There has never been anyone like Trump. I
believe that to be a true statement mainly because of how he uses
social media. Every President in the past has always placated to the
press to get their message out, he does not.
Now, I would like to get to my point in this article.
Judge Brett Cavanaugh is being accused of sexual misconduct today by
Christine Ford. The misconduct accusation is coming from his high
school years. I am in high school. It matters to me whether he did
this or not and I want to know the truth. Will I ever know the
truth? Probably not. He said, she said, could go on forever. Does
the truth matter? Yes, to me it does. He will rule from the Supreme
Court bench possibly for decades and his decisions will most
certainly effect my life. But, if the accusations turn out to be
fabricated, I’m going to throw-up. Tearing down a man for political
purposes is not right. The “Me Too” movement is an important topic
but to use it to gain power is wrong on so many levels.
I would like to talk directly to the kids for a minute.
Listen, please stand up everyday and take accountability for your
own actions. This hearing proves who you are now, matters. And who
you will become, matters even more. Don’t be complacent. Make sure
your actions have purpose and always believe in something. But,
never think your something is better then someone else’s. We all
together form America so working together will surely make us
better. Juniper
Update: Brett Cavanaugh was sworn in as the
114th Supreme Court Justice on October 6th, 2018. Although it was
under protest from the Democrats and their party, there was no
corroborating evidence put forth by his accusers said the F.B.I..
Written by,
Ballarini ~ STR-201

Tue, August 14th, 2018,

Today, there were some
interesting facts coming out about taxation. During the
first 10 months of this fiscal year, 1 trillion 415 billion
dollars came into the treasury department. That is a record.
The 2017 total does not compare. Here is the kicker, we are
running a 684 billion dollar deficit. This makes me believe
that the politicians in Washington have a spending problem.
I'm talking about all politicians, Democrats and
Republicans. So here are 2 lessons we should learn from this
information today. First lesson; Politicians don't care that we owe 21
trillion dollars because it's not real to them. They will
spend as much as they need to win their next election.
Second lesson; tax cuts increase the amount of revenue
being brought into the treasury department. Lower taxes
creates more earning power and the more people earn the more
they will pay in taxes.
Written by,
Armando ~ PSM-801

Wednesday, July 25th, 2018,

Trump needs a vacation. Not
just for himself but for everyone on earth. Every day there
is so much chatter. He Tweets every hour on the hour
practically and I don't even like politics. I am paying
attention now because I’m a journalist. I like to be
informed more then ever. However, I do suggest that during
the month of August, he just go relax. All of the Presidents
in the past like to hang out on Martha Vineyards' at the end
of the summer. That's in the far northeast if you’re not
familiar. I think that’ll be the perfect spot for him. Play
a little golf. Eat a little ice cream. But please for
everyone, stop the Tweeting, lol.
Written by,
Armando ~ PSM-801
