Religion is everywhere you look. We all have our different things we believe in and one is not better than the other.

There are so many religions; you have Christians, Buddhists, Judaism, Muslims and many more religions.
My personal belief is Christianity. I was raised in a Christian home and went to a Baptist church. At my church we usually stayed for two hours. During those two hours we would have a discussion about a life subject. Then we would go into the bible and look at a verse that relates to the subject. After that we would hear about upcoming events etc. Then the church choir would sing to make us all feel good. Then it would be time to go have lunch.

I know some religions believe and more than one higher power but my religion believes in only one God. Each religion has a different aspect to it than others. Not one religion is the same, they’re all built differently and taught differently. Muslims for example, wear hijabs and are taught to cover up to show modesty. But in my religion, we weren’t taught that we have to cover up.

All religions should be respected because we all don’t have to believe in the same things. No belief is better than the other. We all can come together as one no matter any difference!





\The Houston Post (281) 901-8462