A wedding is a sacred event between two people. It’s so much stuff used to piece together the perfect wedding. You need the perfect dress and tuxedo, food, music and much more.

Searching for the perfect dress will not be easy but it’ll be worth it. Unless you get your dress designed just for you it won’t be easy to find your dress. You need to try on lots of dresses to know what fits you and if that’s really what you want to wear on your big day.

After you find the perfect dress, it’ll all worth it. Finding the perfect food will also be hard. You need it to be classy and elegant because it’s not really a good thing to serve pizza at your wedding. Personally, at my wedding, I want to serve either chicken or shrimp alfredo.

The music you play when you walk down the isle is also a key thing to your wedding. You need the perfect song that’ll be filled with emotions so the crowd can really feel the love. At my wedding, I want the song “Why I Love You” by MAJOR to play. I believe it's filled with emotions. So many things have to come together to make the perfect wedding. The most important thing about your wedding is just being happy!





\The Houston Post (281) 901-8462